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God's Plan

I love how Drake made the song "God's Plan." I haven't researched the lyrics too much but I love how it gets people thinking about a higher power and the plan of their life. God has such fantastic plans for you that you can't even comprehend! He made each of us with unique talents, gifts and likes and dislikes for a specific purpose. You are utterly unique in all the world! God loves you with a superb, everlasting reckless love! He thinks about you all the time and is working things out for your benefit!

It can be overwhelming thinking about the open future and all the possibilities that are available. I must say I tend to be very anxious towards the future! It's super scary whenever you are not in control! But luckily we are in the safest hands possible. God holds all of reality and everything in the universe in the palm of His hands. Quasars, pulsars, black holes, galaxy clusters, neutrinos, supernovas, dark matter, earth and everything in it! The grand mysteries of the universe are known to Him, He was there at the beginning and He will be there at the end. And the God of Angel Armies lives in you as the Holy Spirit.

God will direct your path and lead you by the hand like a good, good father. We don't know what's ahead, but He does. We don't currently know how our problems and obstacles will get resolved but He does. He has amazing plans for you ahead that will blow your mind. Not only here but in Heaven as well. I know it can be hard. I am probably the least patient person in the world and times of waiting can be a bummer. Believe me I know! I used to spend hours worrying about my future, about money, about my job situation, and about many other things. As a young adult I spend way too much time thinking about relationships and marriage and finding the One (not Neo). I'm ashamed to say I sometimes go to church functions to see if there's any cute single girls that I could date! Haha. God has a plan for all of these things! He has it all mapped out with His infinite wisdom and perfect timing. I don't know about you but I can be kind of a dumbass about things, so trusting in Him is the best thing I should do! Like literally ninety percent of my plans fall through and don't work out *cough* relationships *cough* and that's probably because I'm not trusting God and making moves on my own. Don't be like me, follow God. Like Jon Snow I know nothing.

We do have free will and it's comforting to know that God works with the choices we make and the failures that occur and makes everything still work out for us. I've looked into the whole free will versus predestination thing and frankly it made my head hurt. Now you're probably smarter than me and understand it better but I think there is a danger in getting too into Calvinism and predestination; but I think in summation it's best to understand that God is working everything out for your benefit. If the open future freaks you out and you are worried your free will and mistakes will steer you off of God's course, know that God works through our failures and makes everything turn out for our good.

If you are thinking everything is already set in stone à la Fatalism, then know that you still have free will and you can make the choices you want. There is nothing we can do that will ultimately mess up God's plan for our life. God is the Master Writer and Artist and can work with whatever we do and He does it for our benefit. Of course I think it works out best if we follow his precepts out of love since there are consequences for our sins. God gave us the Ten Commandments for our own benefit! He's not some cosmic killjoy waiting to zap you when you mess up. He gave us the Ten Commandments out of love so that we avoid hurting each other and ourselves. Like God created sex! It's a natural and beautiful thing between two people who love each other! But if someone cheats on someone who loves them it breaks their heart! That's why God gave us guidance so that we can live the best life possible on this earth.

Key Takeaways

-God has a plan for your life and will work things out for the best for you!

-God works with our failures and mistakes, we can never truly “veer off track.”

-Even though it’s hard to see now, God is activley resolving our obstacles for our benefit!

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